Anti-coup protesters defy Myanmar junta’s campaign of fear

YANGON: Protesters returned to the streets across Myanmar on Saturday, defying a junta-led campaign of fear as regional powers Indonesia and Malaysia condemned the violence deployed by security forces against anti-coup demonstrators.

The country has been in turmoil since the military ousted civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi in a Feb 1 coup, triggering a nationwide uprising as protesters call for a return to democracy.

So far, more than 230 people have been killed in anti-coup unrest, according to a local monitoring group, as security forces have deployed tear gas, rubber bullets and live rounds against protesters. But the movement has pushed ahead — albeit in smaller numbers.

Local media showed protesters in gas masks gathering in northern Shan state, while in the southern coastal city of Dawei, motorists hoisted posters of Suu Kyi and signs that read: “End the dictatorship.” Sporadic demonstrations persisted across the former capital Yangon, with a small group marching on a residential area chanting for the military to “Surrender if you do not want life in prison!”

The country’s largest city has emerged as a hotspot for unrest, as security forces armed with guns continue to root out protesters sporting home-made protection gear.

In Thaketa township — an area that has seen continuous crackdowns this week — security forces opened fire on residents who tried to retaliate by throwing Molotov cocktails. A teenager was killed, shot in the face, said a resident, declining to be named.

According to one video taken in the township, security forces stalked the streets, firing continuously at random and shouting abuse at residents.

Prominent activist Ei Thinzar Maung remained defiant on social media, sending out a tweet with the hashtag #SpringRevolution.

“Who says we have to give up because of unequal weapons?” she wrote. “We are born for victory.”

Outside of protests, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) monitoring group said “casualties and unprovoked shootings are increasing day by day”.

Local media reported a death overnight in the ruby-producing city of Mogok, when neighbourhood night guards were shot while on duty.

“One died on the spot last night while two others are in critical condition in the hospital,” a rescue team member confirmed, declining to give more details.

In the central city of Pakokku along the Irrawaddy river, 39-year-old Mar La Win stepped out of her housing compound on Friday night and was immediately beset by security forces, her husband said.

“I heard them shooting and she fell down,” said Myint Swe, who managed to escape through smaller streets and hid with his three children at home.

By Saturday morning he was told by police to go to the mortuary to identify her body.

“She was covered in bruises on her forehead, thigh, and foot, but they said it was her wound in her thigh (that killed her),” he said.

“I feel so bitter about their inhumane action against my wife,” he said.

“My family is broken now.”

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